The Cathedral Archdeaconry 10 organized a transformative Youth Revival on the 29th June 2024, at the parish of Christ The King Anglican Church in Sophiatown, where we were welcomed by Revd Maphelo Malgas on behalf of the Churchwardens and Revd Nonku Mudau (on behalf of the Archdeacon +Steve who sent prayers and blessings as they attended the Diocesan Council).

The event, themed “Generations Unplugged: One Beat, One Voice” Genesis 11:6, aimed to bridge the gap between youth and elders, consisting of 21 parishes in the Diocese of Johannesburg and the Magalies Archdeaconry reps from the Diocese of Pretoria.  Recognising a growing divide hindering community unity even within the church, the organizers set out to create opportunities for intergenerational dialogue and collaboration.

The day began with a Holy Spirit filled Mass, where the Celebrant was Revd Zanele Mtshali-Ngunda (Yeoville), and the preacher was the Jozi Youth Chaplain, Revd Theo Khanyile, reminding us to “take care of the ‘baby’ entrusted to us as this generation, by not listening and believing everything the world tells us, but believing what God has said in the Word”; followed by a tea session that encouraged mingling between youth and elders.

The highlight was a panel discussion featuring youth advocates, elders, and bridge-builders, emphasizing active listening and empathy; and a surprise visit from the AYSA President Canon Lulama Ntuta who sent greetings from PYC and liaison Bishop, The Right Revd Vicentia Kgabe!

Empowering youth was central to the event’s mission. Participants were tasked with creating action plans to present to their parish councils, fostering accountability and collaboration with elders. Despite time constraints, the discussions showcased maturity as youth acknowledged the importance of communication and cooperation.

The revival culminated in a dynamic street gathering where youth shared testimonies and messages of faith, showcasing their dedication and creativity. Overall, the event successfully fostered unity and understanding, marking a pivotal moment for the community’s future. We thank God for what has begun in this Archdeaconry, this was only the beginning…

Written by: Ms Rorisang Lefifi (Cathedral of St Mary the Virgin)

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