Diocese of Natal Girls and Bafanas Friendly Society one day conference!!!

Girls and Bafanas Friendly Society (GBFS) hosted their annual conference at the Cathedral of the Holy Nativity, Pietermaritzburg with the theme: 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

The day started with Eucharist then discussions after. Revd. Zipho Mbambo was the Celebrant and Preacher, in his interactive sermon he challenged young people of the guild to ensure they discern between what is good and what is not good in everything they do, everywhere they go. He further encourage these young girls and boys to put God first and focus on things that are for their ages: school, books, good relations with fellow brothers and sisters in and outside the church and school, respect to parents and broader community.

Second session of the conference, Sister Thandi was the speaker who also motivated young people to enjoy their youthfulness carefully these days as there are a lot of wordly things calling upon them from all sides. She further encouraged them to study while time allows them to.


Brother Hlubi Zibi gave a talk about the history of the guild and the correct ways of wearing the uniform from Junior members, Senior members, and leaders. He also motivated for leaders to familiarise themselves with these so that all guilders are unformed well at parish level!

It was a day filled with motivation, energy, singing and vibrant dancing as young people enjoyed each other’s company


Article by: Mandisa Gumada

(Diocesan Youth Coordinator)


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